5 Steps to Creating and Accomplishing Your 2022 Goals

It’s that time of year!

You, no doubt, have “goal brain” this month; looking back at your 2021 goals and forward to your 2022 goals.

Goals are a way to break down your vision into measurable steps so you can make them do-able. When you think about your vision for the upcoming months, what will it take to get you there? For example, if you want to lose 50 pounds, you need to determine the steps that will make that happen. Losing 50 pounds isn't a goal, it’s a vision; preparing healthy meals in advance, walking every morning, and creating daily routines that promote wellness are goals - that’s how you make it happen.

Anytime you are working towards a goal, it's important you are clear about the steps you need to take. Random acts generate random results, and consistent acts generate consistent results. That is why I have created my Five D's of Setting Intentional Goals. Here is how to create and work goals to get the results you want.


First, you need to make a decision about what you want. For example, should you put your children in private school, public school or homeschool them? Do you want to stay at your job or look for a new one? Do you want to stay married or get a divorce? Facing tough choices can make you waver between options. How do you feel when you're indecisive? Anxious, frustrated, overwhelmed? You don’t need to choose to live there on a regular basis. But if you are not making a decision, that is exactly what you're doing.

When you make a clear-cut decision - even one with a negative or emotional outcome - you feel relief. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. That is a much better space to live in, and the only way you're going to get what you want.


Once you've made a decision, the desire to act on it will build. Many people put off making a decision and convince themselves that they will feel an overwhelming desire to move in the right direction.

We say things like, ‘I'll start my diet on Monday,’ ‘I'll clean the house tomorrow when I'm not so tired,’ or ‘I'll start my work when I feel more inspired.’ But if you wait for desire to overwhelm you, you're going to be waiting a very long time. You'll never wake up one morning and suddenly be overcome with the desire to get moving with your life without ever setting goals. But once you've made a clear decision, the desire to take action will follow.

Almost always, action is side by side with desire. When you decide, "I am going to change jobs," you get excited, you reach out to a headhunter, and you start making arrangements.


Details are better known as your daily list of things to do. Without a list, it will be harder for you to stay on track and actually get done what you need to. Ask yourself every day, what are four to six things I can do that will move me closer to my goals?

When you already know what you need to do each day, you don’t fall victim to thinking about what you should be doing; you already know. But keep your daily list limited to what can realistically be achieved. Then, when you cross all the items off the list, don't just turn the page and start another list. Celebrate! Let yourself feel some success. Those little wins are big wins when you do them consistently.


When you make a decision, the desire builds, and you follow through with the details, you inevitably end up reaching your destination. You may need to pull over and get directions to your destination (meaning you may need to get help from someone, do more research, change some habits and so on), but you don't ever give up on getting to your destination.

Success is a journey and a road traveled. You will have speed bumps, road-blocks, and detours you come across in life that will take you off in different directions. By having the destination in your mind, and maybe even written down and posted around your home or office as reminders, you'll be able to get through the detours and challenges, and still always be heading in the direction you want. 


All this requires determination. Tell yourself you are not giving up, and then listen to yourself! When your friend cancels on going to the gym with you, don't just think, "Oh well, I guess I'll skip today," then hang out and watch Netflix instead. Instead, get to the gym or see if another friend wants to go with you. If your friend was your ride, search ‘free workouts’ on YouTube that you can do at home. When you stop making excuses, you reach your goals faster.

Use my Five D's of Setting Intentional Goals to create and accomplish your 2022 goals. When you are clear about the steps you need to take, it’s not only easier to take them, it’s also easier to get the results you want.