Everyday Gratitude

Giving thanks can make you happier.

Research has proven that there are multiple benefits of gratitude including higher self-esteem, better sleep, improved psychological health and stronger relationships. Gratitude practices have also been scientifically shown to change your brain in a good way!

Gratitude is also closely related to happiness. According to PositivePsychology.com’s The Research on Gratitude and Its Link with Love and Happiness:

“Gratitude is consistently showed (sic) to be significantly associated with greater happiness (Simon, n.d.). Why? Well, for starters, gratitude increases experiences of positive emotions and it also helps people to take pleasure from positive experiences. Furthermore, gratitude is associated with better physical health which is a contributing factor to happiness (Simon, n.d.). Gratitude also helps people cope with adversity and to develop and maintain strong relationships.”

With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us this week in the United States, we are asked to think about what’s right in our lives right now; what we are thankful for. Yes, there will always be challenges, there will always be setbacks, and there will always be struggles, but when you also make sure there is always gratitude, you find that everyday is truly a day to be thankful for your life.

You certainly don’t have to limit “giving thanks” to one day a year! Want to reap the benefits above and more! Let’s answer some questions so you can have the clarity you need to be able to simply make gratitude an easy habit in your everyday life.

What is gratitude?

The word gratitude comes from the Latin word gratus, which means “thankful” or “pleasing.” So, to be grateful is simply to have appreciation and express thanks.

What things can I be grateful about?

Anything that you appreciate! Your health, your family, your kids, your friends, your dog, the stranger who held the door for you this morning, the fact that you laughed today, the sunshine, being able to buy food at the grocery store because you have some money in the bank, a warm bath, a good book, your computer (so that you can work, your kid can attend school, or you can Zoom with anyone, anytime you would like to see them and say ‘hi’). The list is endless - literally endless! When you start to think about all of the little things in your life that are actually pretty big things, you will begin to see things to appreciate everywhere!

What is a gratitude journal?

A gratitude journal is a place (paper or electronic) where you capture things for which you are grateful. It can be in the form of a list or paragraphs. There’s no right or wrong way to do it! It is simply a place where you write down things that you are grateful for each day. It can be a cheap paper notebook, a word processing program on your computer (there are pros and cons to writing and typing), or an ornate journal that you buy.

Why should I write in a gratitude journal?

In addition to the benefits listed above, gratitude journaling has been shown to lower stress levels and increase levels of calm. It helps you to focus on the things that matter most to you. When you get clear about what you are grateful for, it’s easier to make decisions for what you want more of in your life, and what you can cut out! 

Do you revisit your journal after you’ve written in it?

Yes! Think about the feelings you get when you look through old photos; you laugh, you cry, you smile, you feel things...you are grateful. Imagine if you occasionally looked back through your record of all of the things in your life that were heartfelt and appreciated? If you just got goosebumps thinking about that, what would happen if you actually did it?!?

Simply put, giving thanks can make you happier and healthier. The benefits, not only in your mental and physical health, but also in your overall attitude in how you approach the world has a positive impact that is contagious.

Starting today, go out into the world - everyday - looking for things for which to be grateful, capture them in your gratitude journal, and never look back.

P.S. If you are looking for a gratitude journal, look no further, we offer one! Check it out HERE with our other 2021 planner products.