One Way to Get More Sales Everyday

Do you know the difference between a person who has a business and a person who has a wildly successful business? The answer is the second person is ready to do business at any time.

That’s the secret. It might sound obvious but think about it.

Has someone ever asked you for a business card and you responded with, “Oh, they’re in my other bag,” or, “I just gave my last one out”? Are you so in the habit of directing people online to your website or social media that you don’t even carry business cards anymore? Don’t be that person! Each and every time you get caught without materials to physically hand someone, like your business card or even a marketing piece, you are not prepared to do business when the opportunity arises.

This means you are missing opportunities.

I am not talking about always being in selling mode (please don't be that person either!). I am suggesting that potential business conversations can happen at any time. They can happen when you’re at the grocery store, at the doctor’s office, or at your kid’s baseball game. They can happen during a PTA meeting or when you’re out at a restaurant. If you are prepared at all times to share your business information and your products or services when someone does ask about them, you will end up with more sales and more referrals. If you are not prepared, the moment the conversation is over, that person is back in their own life and checking out your website is not a priority. However, if they have your card in hand, they are more likely to have a reminder to visit it when they do have a chance; and they often will.

Even if you are working your business as a side-hustle, take it seriously! “Part-time” can mean big profit if you take it seriously. Being and staying ready for business helps you take advantage of opportunities that will occur throughout your day.

I suggest that you prepare for these conversations in two ways:

  • Be mentally ready for business. Mentally prepare yourself to leave your house with the expectations that you might meet someone or that you could get some business today.
  • Be physically ready for business. This means you have with you whatever you need to make an appointment, share your business information, or even take an order if the opportunity arises.

If you’ve ever said you wished you had more business, better sales, more referrals or to be front and center in a potential customer’s mind, you must be ready to take advantage of opportunities anytime they present themselves. Being ready doesn’t mean bringing up your business to every person you come in contact with. Being ready means, if your business comes up authentically in a casual conversation, you are prepared to provide your lead with information on the services and opportunities you offer, instantly.

The takeaway? Sometimes, the way to increase your opportunities is to simply be ready for them. Take a minute right now to ask yourself: “How ready am I?”