Productivity and The Power Hour

Do you have an hour to spare?

Of course not. No one does.

But could you spare 15 minutes here and there? My system, called the Power Hour, uses one simple hour to produce results. The Power Hour means taking an hour in your day, and breaking it down into four income-producing activities, or key things, that you want to accomplish in an hour.

Using The Power Hour, you take small blocks of time and get extraordinary results from them. Once you’ve mastered the concept for your direct selling business, you’ll find you can apply the Power Hour concept to almost every in your life. Even fitness!

In the Power Hour system, I suggest creating four folders (whether physical or online). Label them as follows:

  • Host Coaching
  • Booking Leads
  • Recruiting Leads
  • Customer Follow-Up

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If you’re like most people, you have piles on your desk – sticky notes, and scraps of paper with notes scribbled on them. During your Power Hour, you put your information in one of these, so it’s always easy to find.

If you’re looking to build your business, 15 minutes of phone calls, e-mails, Facebook messages or texts, is less daunting than spending hours on the phone trying to get bookings or repeat sales. Even if you only get a few orders, by the end of the week you have 10-15 additional orders. Not bad for 15 minutes and a little bit of consistency!

You don’t have to wait until you have an hour to become entrenched in what you’re doing so that you’re successful at creating a habit. Take 15 minutes with each task and it can turn into results and rewards quickly. And over time, it will become a habit of reward and success.

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15 Minutes on Host Coaching

Often hosts complain that they booked a party and the representative didn’t touch base until two days before the party. So spend 15 minutes touching base to make sure you’re keeping your host excited, engaged and informed.

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15 Minutes on Booking

Now you’re ready to spend 15 minutes solely focused on contacting people to schedule a party with you. By booking during your Power Hour, you’ll soon sharpen your skills speaking the language of booking by doing multiple booking calls during a single short block of time.

Whenever you add a name to your Booking Lead Notebook, be sure to make a note of the circumstances. For example, if your lead told you wanted to have a party when her kitchen remodel finishes in six weeks, then make a note of those details – and mention them during your call. Your call to her would sound something like this,

“ Hi Mary! This is Belinda. Have I caught you at a good time? Great! The last time we chatted you were remodelling your kitchen. How’s that coming along? Wonderful! I’ll be so excited to see it! The reason I’m calling is you asked me to give you a call when the work on your kitchen was finished so that we could go ahead and set a date for your party. What do you think would work better, a weekday or a weekend?”

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When you get a booking, immediately make another booking call. It’s not time to celebrate yet! The excitement from the previous yes will still be with you and you will discover that the language you used from the last call to show your new lead that you are busy, energetic and in high demand.

You can say something like,

“I just spoke with my last host and she is going to do a margarita party! Do you think that’s something your friends would enjoy?”

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15 Minutes on Recruiting


Recruiting is the one area of your business where timing is everything. When someone has expressed interest but then says no, they doesn’t mean no forever or that they don’t like you. It just means right now probably isn’t the best time.

People’s lives change. This is why follow-up is so important. Previous leads showed interest about your opportunity which is why they’re in your lead notebook. But just because timing wasn’t right at that time, doesn’t it mean it won’t be right sometime in the future. If you get a no or a no not right now, don’t just say “Okay” and forget about it. Ask her if you can keep her informed with specials, especially those that have to do with the kit.

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15 Minutes on Customer Service


During this 15 minutes, you simply contact people who have previously ordered from you and ask if they’re enjoying the products they purchased. After they say yes, ask if they would like to add another specific product to their collection. Tell them about a current sale or special or ask if they need to reorder more of their original purchase.


For more information and training on the Power Hour system, click here.