Stop Giving Up On Your Dreams!


During this training you'll learn about willpower, resilience, and I challenged everyone to stop giving up on their dreams!

We covered the top ways to create more willpower:

  • Establish motivation for your change or outcome (WHY do you want what you want)?
  • Set a clear goal. That's your why!*
  • Monitor your behavior = Tracking. Systems create behavior that will move you toward what you want. Tracking is the key.* Resist short term temptations. The ability to delay gratification.
  • Resist short term gratification to meet long term goals.
  • Override an unwanted thought or feeling. The ability to change the story you tell yourself.
  • Cool & cognitive vs. hot and emotional.

10 tips for having more self control:

1. Control your emotions with reason. Ask "What is the real story here?"

2. Reconsider the incident and look for the positive in it. That's where the magic happens.

3. Always keep calm. Don't become desperate. Don't cry and complain. Instead...breathe. Tell yourself "This will get better." The more you tell yourself that, problem solving kicks in.

4. Accept things you cannot change and MOVE ON.

5. Respect what you have. Show appreciation. Gratitude will change your life.

6. Don't pay attention to negative things. That includes the news, social media, etc.

7. Remember, you're responsible for your own thoughts. The story you tell yourself is the one you'll believe. Don't blame others for your situation. Take ownership of your own actions and thoughts.

8. Always value yourself.

9. Ask yourself questions instead of questioning yourself. Strong willed people ask themselves questions

10. Keep a high level of discipline, constantly moving forward. Even if it's just a small step, move forward every day!

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