One Thing Goal Achievers Do Differently

There’s still time!

As the new year approaches, a lot of people suddenly feel as if there is a “new start.” January 1st signals more than the flipping of another calendar page, it also brings with it feelings of freshness, opportunity, and motivation. Goal-setting is all the rage and people decide that “this is going to be the year…,” even if they’ve uttered those same words every January 1st that they can remember.

We all have set goals and said we were going to do it “this time!” Yet, most people still find themselves in the same places come March, July, October…and ultimately, January 1st again.

If you really want to do it differently this time, you need to do this one thing that people who DO set, plan, and reach goals consistently do.

Don’t set goals until you have a vision.

Vision and goals both contribute to your success, but they aren't the same thing.

Your vision is the big picture of what you want in life; it’s your why. Your goals are the specific targets you intentionally set and follow consistently that move you toward your vision; it’s your how.

In speaking to thousands of people over the years, when I ask for a show of hands of how many people have visions, not too many go up. This helps to explain why so many people never reach their goals.

To succeed in anything, you have to begin with a clear vision. The reason you have to start there is because your life is going to be full of frequent challenges and obstacles. If you're like most people, you'll become discouraged, question yourself, and become tempted to give up when you encounter them, whether they are small (for example, you're trying to lose weight, but your coworkers keep bringing in desserts at lunch) or big (like your spouse just lost his/her job).

Regardless of what you want to achieve, you're going to run into some setbacks. So having a strong vision or an understanding of why you want to achieve your goals, will help keep you going.

Here’s how to do it.

Take a moment right now and grab some paper and a pen. (Don’t type this into a computer document; physically writing things down makes a big difference!)

Picture what you really want in life. What’s important to you? Be very clear. Don't just envision more free time, or more money, or more pounds lost. Add specific details. Paint a very clear picture of what you want those things for. Perhaps you would like to fit into a dress from 10 years ago, buy a new car, or advance in your career. Writing your vision down and displaying it on a bulletin board, on your fridge, or in your office is a great way to keep your vision alive.

Your Vision Will Change - And That's Okay.

Don't worry about trying to create a vision that will address every possible dream you have for your life. Your vision will continue to change throughout your life as you reach important milestones.

When I am coaching people, I often ask them, "What does success look like to you?" I am most often met with a blank stare, a shrug of the shoulders, or an "I don't know." Most people are just fine with ‘going with the flow,’ but that's because most people haven't sat down and mapped out what success looks like for them. If you don't know what you want in life, how will you ever know whether or not you were successful? It's like getting in the car without a destination. You'll never know when you have arrived!

Maybe you're afraid to set goals because you fear they are too daunting or challenging. People think goals need to be life-changing, and that couldn't be further from the truth. Goals don't have to be stupendous, they are exactly what you need them to be.

A goal could be: 

  • Running or walking for 30 minutes 
  • Spending 15 minutes a day on personal or spiritual development 
  • Cooking a meal tonight
  • Having a monthly date night with your spouse
  • Making 10 calls for your business today

Making them simple, measurable, and do-able will keep you on track. Remember, you can always reset your goals depending on your personal situations as they change.

Two things that can (and will) get in the way.

Two things you need to keep in mind that can trip you up along the way are failure and other people. First, if you don't hit a goal, it doesn't mean you've failed. To my way of thinking, there are no failures in life until you fail to try again. If you are driving and miss a turn for example, or go the wrong way, you don't just give up on reaching your destination. If you're using GPS, it will take a moment and say "recalculating." It doesn't say, "Never mind. You went the wrong way, just turn around and go home now." You follow the recalculations and get yourself back on track. Second, don't let other people's opinions worry you, especially if you don't reach a goal. Most people will actually admire you for doing something because they are still usually sitting in the same place.

As you grow into 2022, take an honest look at your relationships, your career, and what you want in life. It might look different than how it has before, but having a clear vision at every stage will help get you to the places you want to go.

Happy New Year!