So Much More Than a Calendar! (How to Rock Your Planner!)

Getting results happens when you set goals, take deliberate and consistent action, and don’t give up. Success comes from having a plan and working that plan.

That all sounds great as a big picture approach. But when you look at it from a day to day view, there are a lot of things that get in the way! Life happens - and when life happens, the first things that can go out the window are your goals and plans.

That’s why, in order to get results consistently, you need to get super organized at a daily level. If you want success, don’t focus on your goals, focus on your systems!

I’ve used organizational systems my entire life. I had my very first business at 12 years old; I was a paper-girl. (It was a paper route that I had to petition to get because there were only paper-boys at the time!) With my first route, I set goals as to how I was going to grow my route and make more money.

I kept a notebook with customer information. It included how many new customers I was adding monthly, and how much money in tips I was making weekly. I began logging that information for one that I could see if I was improving. I ended up building one of the most successful routes in my area, and made a good amount of money doing it.

Three successful businesses later, I still have an organizational system, in the form of a daily planner, that keeps me on track - especially when life happens!

A planner is a great tool but, like any other tool, it only works if you use it the right way. A good planner is much more than just a calendar, and it allows you to do so much more than just keep track of appointments and ‘to-dos.’

Here are some ways to use your planner system to not only be a highly effective organizer, but to take charge of your entire life and get the results you want.

  • Make your planner a place for inspiration. There is an opportunity to be motivated and inspired every time you open your planner! Go through and add quotes throughout the year so that when you turn the page, you get a little surge of energy. Keep track of things for which you are grateful by writing them down as they come into your life. Make a point to look back occasionally and enjoy moments of gratitude that you may have forgotten about.
  • Use your planner to create monthly goals. You should definitely have daily tasks and yearly goals, but setting up and hitting smaller goals on a monthly basis gives you a consistent series of smaller “wins,” and that builds your momentum!
  • Have a dry-erase weekly checklist of your high-priority tasks so that you can make sure the right things are being done consistently. What are the handful of tasks (there are usually just a few) that have to be done every day to ensure you reach your goals? These should be small and do-able; for example, post one thing of value on my social media channel, read one article and learn something new about my industry or make ten phone calls. Make checking those things off daily, every week a game! Then wipe the board clean and do it again next week. Make it fun and it will keep you going.
  • Include a simple morning and evening routine in your planner. When you learn how to start the day ready to go and end the day strong, what happens in between those things seems more manageable. Even if the bookcase seems messy, having those bookends keeps it all together! You can make it short and sweet (go for a short walk, meditate for five minutes, listen to your favorite song, do a quick workout), but find things to quiet your mind and energize your body. When you do this consistently, your focus will increase significantly, you will get more done, and you will have closure at the end of the day.
  • Include a daily tracker for healthy habits such as how many glasses of water you drink, how many steps you take, and how much sleep you get. Wealth is not just about making appointments and booking parties. Your health is wealth! The more you take care of yourself, the more you can be available for others - and that’s good for business!

“Establishing good habit patterns early on in your career will help you to stay on a path to success.” (Belinda Ellsworth)

An organizing system is crucial to your success. It’s the one thing that keeps your plans and goals front and center, no matter what else is going on. Whether you are running a business, running a household, or running a marathon, a planner is your best friend to keep your head in the game and your foot on the gas pedal.

For years, I was encouraged by CEOs and Executives within the Direct Sales industry to create a tool that would fit all of their consultants’ specific needs; to inspire, to motivate, to create accountability through tracking systems and to provide training that keeps people on track, all while helping them establish a healthy work/life balance.

That’s when I began my quest to develop the best planner/business system for direct sellers and other sales professionals. After four years, and thousands of people using it, giving us great feedback to make it even better, we have knocked this year’s planner out of the park! Even though it is designed for direct sellers, it is very helpful to anyone in a sales profession. I have numerous realtors, insurance reps, individuals in pharmaceutical sales and many other sales professionals using it.

If you’re looking for a tool to organize yourself, this planner might be just what you’re looking for...check it out here.

If you would like to find out how this business system can benefit your organization, reach out to our facilitator, Donna, at