The One Question I’m Always Asked…

As a motivational speaker, I am asked these two questions all the time - how do I get motivated and how do I motivate others???

My answer is always the same - I cannot motivate you, and you cannot motivate others. However, I can inspire you to motivate yourself, and you can inspire others to do the same.

When it comes to concepts like inspiration, most people know that it’s part of what helps to create success, but they don’t always know HOW to get it or keep it.

The thing you need to know about inspiration is that it’s all around you!Let me explain.When I say that inspiration is everywhere, I mean it. The reason that most people miss it is that they’re too busy “going through the motions” of their everyday lives to notice it. If you pay attention, you will find it in things like nature, children, and human behavior.

But you can also go seek it out! Here are four ways to get inspired right now!

Other Peoples’ Stories. Read or listen to autobiographies. There is nothing more inspiring than to hear the story of someone who was seemingly an “overnight success,” and hear about how they made things happen, even when the odds were against them. These books take you through an entire life, from the person’s early childhood to their current situation. Other people’s stories are some of the most inspirational reminders that, no matter what challenges are put in front of us as humans, we can overcome them. Visit your local bookstore or download an audiobook and get inspired today!

Other Peoples’ Experiences. Podcasts are a great way to learn about different peoples’ experiences with something that you want to do. One size does not fit all! Being able to get different perspectives, through different experiences, in bite-sized content is one of the amazing things about podcasts. The journeys of people who learned the ropes, figured things out through trial and error, and found success in something can inspire you to follow your own journey to success. Just type ‘inspirational podcasts” into your browser and find one or two or a dozen that resonate with you!

Join a Group of Like-Minded People. This can be a group that meets online, at a local business, or for coffee once a month. People inspire people. When you surround yourself with others who are on a similar journey, you will find that, together, you grow exponentially! How? By inspiring each other through simple conversation and sharing of ideas. In business, these are often referred to as mastermind groups.

Get Out of Your Space. Being in the same environment on a regular basis can dull your inspiration. When you drive the same route to the same office and see the same things day in and day out, you will not be inspired. Take a different way to school or work today. Change the position of your chair or desk and see life from a new angle. Go outside; if it’s a pleasant day, go for a walk or run or just take a book or your laptop onto the patio. That literal change of scenery will do wonders for you inspiration muscles...and they will get stronger!

Knowing where to go to get inspired is important because a spark of inspiration doesn’t last forever. We often think that concepts like motivation and inspiration are the things we need in order to take action. However, those are only the sparks. They are the very things that START our wanting to take action. When you get inspired AND take action, you get more inspired. That makes you want to take more action!That process creates momentum! And that’s where the magic happens!

Momentum is the result of inspiration and action working together (and that’s super inspiring!).
