Belinda’s Bookshelf – You Are a Badass at Making Money

You Are a Badass at Making Money – Jen Sincero

As a second piece to Jen Sincero's You Are A Badass series, You Are A Badass At Making Money is the perfect addition to continue your own Badass journey!

Jen brings the same wit and humor into her work in a way that is fresh, fun and in your face→in a good way. Through new stories from both her own life and the lives of her clients, she opens up the possibilities to the badass money making you'll wish you'd known about sooner.

And it's all through the power of The Universe!

Personally, YAAB: At Making Money couldn't have come at a better time. I am constantly reminded through practice that it actually takes practice to keep yourself in the right frame of mind to keep making the BIG BUCKS.

Jen Sincero knows just the right way to kick you into gear and motivate you to start doing what you need to do right now.