Your Audience is Looking for Content

your audience

Your audience is looking for content – are you giving it to them?

Unlike a decade ago, the power is in the hand of the consumer. With so many options of products and brands to choose from, we need to be less product focused and more brand focused. This means we need to not only get our customers to buy from us, we need to get them to like us and ultimately stay loyal to us.

And how do we get them to connect with us? By building culture and a community.

To build culture and community, we need to do a few key things:

  • Show them who you are. Don't hide behind your business or product. Show your customers who you are! A great way to do this is through videos and apps like Periscope! Show them who the real you is. People do business with people they want to be friends with.
  • Start conversations. Don't talk AT your customers. Start conversations with them! Ask them questions, look for feedback from them and get them to share with YOU! People want to feel like they're being heard so make sure you listen. This is also the best way to find ways to market to them effectively.
  • Interact. Don't just expect people to come to your page. Go to theirs too! Find community pages, groups and so on, where you can interact. If posting on a Facebook Page, be sure to post as your Business Page to help lead people there.
  • Focus on customer service. Deliver AMAZING customer service. Always follow-up and keep your relationships alive! Most people say they don't order from a Consultant a second time because they never heard from them again.
  • Share CONTENT. Share things people care about. Share interesting facts, tutorials, recipes, training, and so on. Listen to the pain points your demographic has and help answer them!

    If you follow these few easy strategies, you will see your social media pages become a culture of like-minded people who LOVE to interact and LOVE to buy!

    Lindsay Tompkins, Media Market
    Direct Selling Now Social Media Trainer