Booking Facebook Parties


Virtual parties are not meant to replace your home parties, but they can be a great option for booking parties with your friends, family and customers who live far away or for hosts who aren’t interested in home parties.

When you are looking to book a Facebook party, it’s important to focus on their fun, no-fuss set-up. Your host doesn’t have to clean her house, your customer’s don’t need to find babysitters and you don’t need to have a large kit.

IMPORTANT TIP: Don’t cold message people you don’t know. That’s spammy and can turn people off from ever doing business with you. Instead, look at your booking lead notebook and reach out to people you have established relationships with.

When messaging people for Facebook parties you can say something like,

“Hey Ashley! I know you’ve loved all of the products you’ve purchased from me in the past and I just wanted to let you know we are getting ready to launch our new catalog. We have added some amazing new products that I know you and your friends will love.

How about we set up a Facebook party the first week of March? Facebook parties are a lot of fun because you don’t have to tidy the house or find a sitter. You can just chill out with a glass of wine in your PJs! I will do all the work, all I ask is that you get a few of your friends together on the event page I will set up for you.

I love to treat my hosts, so for throwing this online party with me, you’ll be able to take advantage of some free and discounted products. And I know you’re just as excited as me to see some of our new products so it seems like the only question is, what works better for you a weekday or a weekend?”

From there, continue to narrow down a date. And remember, remind them that event is completely online and will run for about 1 hour.

I suggest having some videos and posts made in advance to help the party run smoothly.

If you’re looking for my complete outline of a Facebook party, be sure to grab a copy of Direct Selling for Dummies!

Lindsay Tompkins

Media Market
Direct Selling Now Plus Trainer