How NOT to Launch New Products

belinda ellsworth

While summer is coming to an end and kids are going back to school – we may already be missing the campfires with the family and the days spent on the beach. But with Fall comes something more exciting than just Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Sweater Weather. (Okay – even though those are still exciting).

Fall means NEW PRODUCTS.

Now while WE are excited about our NEW products, we must accept the sad (but true) realization that our customers aren't.

Here are my BAD words for the day:


Weird right? Because we would think that something new is exciting and exclusive products are better.

Well the new part is exciting – to us. We are so familiar with our product line that when we get new products we jump for joy and want to run screaming through the streets (maybe not – but at least through Facebook).

But most of our customers and especially our social media connections – have no clue what we offer as an entire line of products. They are usually familiar with the products your company is known for and maybe a few they have seen you post on other occasions. So saying “new!” to them isn't something that will draw them in unless they are diehard customers who read the catalog as a bedtime story to their kids.

Exclusive – even if it's trueish – can get you in more trouble than not. Even if it's 100% true, you can bet another company will release a similar product. When people see exclusive and buy strictly on the exclusivity of a product – many times they find the product somewhere else. And for cheaper. And that's when they'll come back at you upset and disappointed. They will also be less likely to trust what you say in the future. (Remember, people do business with people they know, like and trust).

So I've talked a lot about the don'ts. But what about the DO's!?

Well the trick is to share BENEFITS BENEFITS BENEFITS. You don't need to flood your Facebook or Instagram with new new new. Show off the benefits of your products and why they will solve a problem in your customer's life.

I have seen many posts similar to, “OMG!!! Our new products launched today! I'm so excited! Message me to get yours before they're all sold out!”

Again – as consultants you are THAT excited. The type of excited that calls for an absurd amount of exclamation marks. But truly your customers aren't. Your customers don't care if the product launched today or last year. They're interested in quality products that will make their lives a little easier and give them the benefits they need!

So before you get too excited about how new everything is – take a step back and breathe.  Share the products by sharing what it can do for someone.

If you haven't already, today is the day to get on the phone and nook some launch parties either online or in home to share the AMAZING BENEFITS (not newness) of your products.

9 thoughts on “How NOT to Launch New Products

  1. Argh! Too bad I already ran through the streets screaming and tossing catalogs in a fit of glee! Damage control time 😉

  2. Thanks Belinda for the great article…. You do so much to help everyone in Direct Sales & I hear great feedback from people who follow your training all the time…. thanks for all you do. This article has solid, simple and good advice with tips that work…. as always. 🙂 MEL

  3. Wow. Thanks for the perspective. We did have a new product sell out almost before we all got back from convention. However like you said it wasn’t something that couldn’t be had somewhere else. Ours has proven to be beneficial. .. there’s the key. .. thanks.

  4. UGH! Like so many I have done exactly what you told us NOT to do!
    Tonight my phone shall be my best friend as I try to get some parties to share the benefits of our new products!

  5. Brilliant~
    It’s so hard not to jump on the “new” excitement train. I must remember to sell the benefits!

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