Live Stream with Blab

If you've been in direct sales or had your own business for a while, you know how quickly and constantly technology and communication have changed through the years. Maybe you've embraced social media and live streaming. Maybe it terrifies or confuses you. At Step Into Success, we want to help you with the technology overwhelm by sharing a wide range of tools and strategies, because everyone has different needs and preferences. Do you have to use all of the latest and greatest technology platforms to be successful. Of course not! But, I think it's important to learn about them so you can decide if they would be beneficial to you. When Facebook first came out, I can remember thinking I would never use it! Hard to imagine now! Honestly, I made that judgement before even researching how it could impact my business. Sometimes we just want to “close our ears” when someone introduces us to something new, because we feel overwhelmed or make assumptions. But, I encourage you to take some time to learn about new tools like Blab and then make an educated decision on whether or not it's a tool that will benefit you and your business.

After using Blab for 3 weeks, which is long in the Blab world since it's still in the beta stage, here are my thoughts on its pros and cons. If you have been using Blab, comment below and let us know what you love or don't love about Blab!

Things to be aware of…
1. This is a PUBLIC forum. This is not a negative, but something to keep in mind as you consider ways you will use this platform. This is not the place to hold a leaders meeting where you share company secrets. You can restrict who is communicating with you in the comments and in the live seats, but you cannot restrict who is listening in.
2. Blab can be habit forming! When you first get started you will be tempted to spend hours on this platform. It's good to get used to how it works and to learn, but you don't want it to distract you from other important activities.

Things I love…
1. It is a simple platform to use. Once you set up an account, you can join or host a Blab with a few clicks.
2. You can learn and interact with top experts in a huge variety of fields. For example, you may have only connected with Belinda from watching her on stage at a convention. Blab allows you to communicate with her in the chat or by joining a seat.
3. You can expand your reach and connect with people from all over the world. Your focus should be on sharing and not selling, but just from participating you will make new connections and people will be introduced to you and your business.
4. It's an environment where people are real, not perfect. It's hard for others to get to know you and what you offer in a Facebook post. But, in this platform you get to know people and they get to know you on a more personal level.
5. It's a great way to connect with your team and/or others in direct sales to share ideas, encouragement, product uses and more. You can also use it to recognize a team member by interviewing them and giving others a chance to ask questions. Since replays can be uploaded to YouTube, it's something you can share with your team even if they never use Blab.

So how do you get started? Here's a quick overview…

1. Using your CHROME browser, create a Blab account at (At this time, Blab only works with Chrome.) You will need to use your Twitter account to sign up for Blab. So if you don't have a Twitter account, set that up first. I had not used Twitter in years, but I've rebranded and reconnected with Twitter users thanks to Blab!

Sign Up with

2. Once you create an account, be sure to fill in your profile information completely, including a photo, bio and link to your website. Blab will automatically pull in your Twitter information, however, you do have the option to make changes to your Blab profile if you prefer something different.

3. Search for content by selecting a category. Click on Blab at the top left and choose a topic. You will then be able to choose a blab that is ON AIR which are live, SCHEDULED which are being held in the future or REPLAYS, which are recordings of past blabs. Click SUBSCRIBE to get notifications of blabs that you don't want to miss. And FOLLOW people who are hosting content that interests you.

Blab Topic Categories

4. Blab is not just for those comfortable on camera. In fact, the only way you will be seen or heard during an ON AIR blab is by taking an open seat. Blab allows up to 4 open seats at a time, but you can still interact and learn great tips and ideas by “lurking” and/or communicating in the chat. But, don't be shy. The best thing about live streaming is that it's live people with live conversations. So no need to be an expert or get dressed up. Just be yourself and think of it as getting together for coffee with new friends.

Blab Screen Shot

5. To start or schedule your own blab, click on your profile picture and select, “Start a new Blab”. You can choose up to 3 categories which helps others find you when they are searching for topics that interest them. For example, you could select business, beauty and interview if you are a consultant for a cosmetic company and you want to feature top producers on your team.

Host a Blab

Still have questions or are curious about how you could use this platform in your direct sales business? I hosted a Blab 101 training for direct sellers! Go to and watch the replay.

And be sure to follow us. We look forward to using Blab as another way to support you and your business.

Post Update! CLICK HERE to watch Belinda's first interview on Blab!

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