Is Your Business On Fire? Quick, Hire a Coach!

Oftentimes as a speaker and consultant, I am asked to work with a company when they are struggling. They want me to increase sales and morale.

When we reach out to companies, and they are doing well, they will often say, “ We don’t need help right now.”

My experience is, when I work with a company that already has momentum, the results are incredible. It is not uncommon for companies to see a 40-150% increase over the next three months.

You can still move the needle with a company that is struggling, but not to the same degree.

Why is that?When you infuse ideas into productive people, you get higher productivity.

When you infuse ideas into a disengaged sales force, it’s more difficult to reach the results you desire.Work with people when they’re on fire!

When does it make more sense to hire a consultant; when your company is on fire or when your company is flatlining?

The answer most people will give is, "When your numbers are down, of course.

Why would you invest in a consultant when you are doing just fine?"

There's a simple problem with that logic, and it may be holding you back.

This is a principle that successful people learn that keeps them thriving.

When people hire a consultant/coach/trainer when they are already "on a roll," their results not only increase, but often skyrocket. If you wait until numbers (and morale) are dropping, chances are, your results will be low.

It makes sense to hire a coach anytime you are wanting or needing guidance, clarity, and growth. No question!

However, this strategy - hire a consultant/coach/trainer when things are good to make them even better - is a powerful one that is often overlooked.

This is the reason why successful people continue to work with coaches...even after they are successful!

You would be hard pressed to name a single professional athlete or high performer in any industry who doesn’t have guidance. These people are at the top of their game, and yet they understand the value of coaching to continue to improve, whether it’s mentally, physically, or with a certain skill set.

High performers know the value of being coached while climbing higher, not just when the going gets tough. That’s exactly why they keep climbing.

The moral of this story is, don’t wait until your numbers and morale are down to hire the help you need. If you are going to invest in your people, make an investment in the people already getting it done.

When you infuse ideas into productive people, you get higher productivity.

The investment will be practical, and the ROI will positively affect your bottom line.
