Covid As A Disrupter

In a recent episode of my podcast, Work From Your Happy Place, I interviewed Broadway actor and musician, Eric Gutman. We spent a good amount of...
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Decision Fatigue

What am I going to wear today? What do I want to grab for breakfast? Do I want a hot coffee or iced coffee at...
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How to Advocate For Yourself

Congratulations! You are one of two candidates for that awesome promotion you’ve been eyeing at your company.Not only are you excited about the opportunity, but...
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The Power of Boundaries

Imagine you’re driving a car on a racetrack. You are moving fast through the turns, skidding occasionally, but you manage to stay on the track....
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How to Be Self Employed

Self-employment is more popular than ever. Prior to the pandemic, nearly 30% of the US workforce spent at least a part of 2019 self-employed, while...
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